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Oakley and Lori Carlson had grown weary of the Seattle gloom.  They dreamed of a far-off place, full of sunshine, sand, and warm water; somewhere to settle down and open up a restaurant together.  It didn't take much convincing.  They made the decision to take off Southeast on an epic road-trip.  They planned to eventually end up in a beautiful beach town; back to Oakley's roots in Florida. Perpetually unconventional; they sold their home, his café in Seattle, WA, and any of their belongings that wouldn't fit in their 18 ft trailer.  In July of 2017, they set off from the West Coast to begin their adventure…


    They saw the painted canyons of Moab in Utah and the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado.  Lori singlehandedly maneuvered their single-axle trailer over the Continental Divide without falling off the edge.  They even stopped by to see the Biggest Ball of Twine (it was only 4 short hours away).


    After swinging by the family cabin in North Carolina to get hitched, the newlyweds made their way down the Atlantic Coast.  In search of their idyllic beach town, the further they traveled the more discouraged they became.  Did this dream place really exist or was it a figment of their imagination?


    Coming up the Gulf, they finally stumbled upon it.  A fun town by the beach, full of active and friendly people that appreciate good food and good drink.  Dunedin!  It was all they ever dreamed of and more.  All the town needed were some of Lori's travel inspired sandwiches…


Thank you for letting us feed you!

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